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Stacey's Story

"I felt better after my very first adjustment. The jaw pain was gone almost instantly, and the low back pain had eased enough to start running again!."

I met Dr. Zimmerman at a health fair that I was also working at. I had been having trouble with lower back pain for a while and had definitely had to alter my lifestye around the pain. I had stopped running, started to move more gingerly when bending down to pick something up, and even sitting differently on the couch to avoid the pain. I'd been taking a pretty steady dose of anti-inflammatories and had tried some different stretches and strengthening exercises but nothing was working! I didn't think that at the age of 26 I should be having this much trouble, so I decided to try chiropractic care and signed up for a consultation. 


I didn't know much about Upper Cervical care, so before my first appointment I did a little research and found that this type of care has worked for low back pain as well as jaw pain, something I have suffered from since I was 10 or so. Doctors and Dentists in the past had just suggested that I not open my mouth too wide to avoid the pain. 


I felt better after my very first adjustment. The jaw pain was gone almost instantly, and the low back pain had eased enough to start running again! I haven't had consistent pain in my lower back since about my 3rd visit. Even when I feel I'm 'out of alignment' I only feel tight, rarely any pain and it only takes one visit to feel 100% again!

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